Saturday, 18 October 2014

Upcycling: Tyre Chair

I'm big on making the most of what I've got so when a couple of old tyre's were chucked my way I decided to make the best out of them for my A-level project. Cutting periodic holes through the rubber tyre, I painstakingly spent the time of threading string to create a spirographic mesh for seating. The legs are made from old metal foot pedal guards from machinery and the screws and washers are all odds and ends pieces.

The chair is the perfect mix between retro and futuristic and it's sturdy material makes it suitable for outdoor use. What I love most about this project is that I've been collecting odd tyres from the side of the road every now and then and threading string through them to make seating for the garden; just chuck the strung tyre on top of a stack and you're good to go.

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