Tuesday, 21 April 2015


Thanks to the invention of camera phone's everyone's a photographer nowadays; we all fancy ourselves an artist when we post our pictures to Instagram and buff them up a little with filters, trying to share our great eye for detail and composition. And there's really no better way to permanently display your creations than in the form of little 2x2 inch square magnets courtesy of Ninemags

By simply syncing your Instagram account to the ninemags website, you can select photos from your Instagram feed to be printed out in the form of great quality photographic magnets; perfect for sticking on the fridge as personal and artistic note holders. And for $14.99 you get free delivery all over the world and nine of your Instagram pictures there in your hands and as a tangible object. 

Sticking these ninemags up all over your house will help bring back those memories of a time and place where you snapped your picture, bringing Instagram to life with your amazing images. Ninemags would make a great gift for a photo fanatic, or just a nice way to treat yourself and bring your home to life. 

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