All faint hearted look away now because you're about to see some of the grossest yet yummiest cakes and treats all created at the hands of the slightly disturbed Conjurer's Kitchen. Consider yourself warned...
Presenting the gruesome edible art of Annabel de Vetten, the master sculptor and artist behind Conjurer's Kitchen, who produces cake treats that'll make you say "that's edible?!?"
Annabel de Vetten performs culinary sorcery on her cakes, using a medley of horrifying shapes and finishes to create anything from organs to bones to innards that are bound to make you throw up and salivate all in one instance.
The cakes at Conjurer's Kitchen start at £100 and go up and up depending on your budget; though they promise to give you what you pay for. And for artistry like this you'll definitely get what you want and more. Just one example of their commissioned cakes is the Dexter cake made especially for Fox; featuring a life sized version of Dexter on the morgue slab, ready to be cut up in to a million delicious pieces!

These chocolates and cakes are demonically delicious and totally something you'll want to get your teeth stuck in to after you've gotten over the fact that they're a little creepy. They do cakes for every occasion and for every theme you could possibly create; such as their haunting wedding cakes covered in chocolate skulls and flesh detailed icing, ready to test the stomachs of all in attendance.
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