Tuesday 23 July 2013

Bang, Bang!

Catching bullets in photgraphic format is hard to achieve at the best of times, but artist Deborah Bay has managed to catch something scarily brilliant in her chilling photographs of Bullets being fired into Plexi glass. The Plexiglass freezes the bullet until you're left with these stellifying shots of bullet fragments embedded into plastic- her shots are quite litterally breathtaking.

Each photo looks galactic and manages to catch "each trajectory line, fragmant of metal and spray of shattered plastic" in a series of cosmic pictures that immitate the night sky on a black back drop.

Bay's macro shots are a very topical point of conversation considering that America are currently discussing the issue of gun control. And being from Texas- where there are 51 million registered firearms- she created this piece of art to try and make us more aware of the harm that bullets can do. And in all admitance, although electrifyingly beautiful they also look very dangerous when we consider the damage they've done to the bulletproof polycarbon sheets.

And if you wanted anymore convincing of how beautifully deadly bullets can be, artisit Sabine Pearlman found another contreversial format to campture them in: by cutting them in half.

Sabine's cross sectional photographs of over 900 types of bullets are astonishing; never could you imagine that so much went into one tiny metal shell. But now that you see it for yourself, you can't help but think 'ooh' for a second, before you realise 'ouch'.

It's at odds to see something so destrucitve looking so magnetising, but Pearlman's collection 'AMMO' manages to both captivate and horrify at the same time, especially considering the detail each shot captures.

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